Northumberland Employability Network

Northumberland Employability Network

Scores of professionals are finding solutions to employment barriers faced by Northumberland residents. 

The latest meeting of the Northumberland Employability Network, co-chaired by the County Council and Northumberland Community and Voluntary Action (CVA) was held at Newbiggin Community Hub. The network is convened as part of the Employment Partnerships Project, this project is funded by North of Tyne Combined Authority. 

Contributing to the council’s commitment to tackling inequalities, over 40 members from employability and skills support services and organisations came together to share information, identify collaboration opportunities, and to discuss and progress solutions to employment barriers which Northumberland residents and employers face.  

Members deliberated a broad range of issues from engaging with employers to find innovative ways to work together to reduce the skills gap and increase recruitment opportunities, to reviewing training and skills needs from both employer and employee perspectives.  

They also considered how to progress inclusivity and advance support for individuals with special educational needs and disabilities.  

Councillor Wojciech Ploszaj, Cabinet Member for Supporting Business and Opportunities, said: “It’s vital as a council we work with our partners to maximise employment opportunities and provide people with the right skills for work. 

“By holding events like this we’re getting organisations together to look at what barriers exist and how we go about removing them.” 

 Vicki Clarke, Employment Partnership Coordinator with the County Council, added: “With new connections made, the partnership generated ideas across key themes to take forward in 2024, sparking interest and shared visions to combine expertise and knowledge to tackle inequalities.” 

Susan Eaton, Membership and Networks Officer, Northumberland CVA, added: “The positives that come from enabling people to network and share good practice, their skills and expertise are immeasurable.   

“Working together in partnership between the VCSE and the County Council has enabled us to develop a stronger network which benefits both organisations and residents.” 

To find out more about the Northumberland Employability Network, contact Vicki Clarke, and Susan Eaton,