Biggest shake up to welfare system in a generation to get Britain working

Vicki Clarke

Biggest shake up to welfare system in a generation to get Britain working

  • Work Capability Assessment to be scrapped and “right to try” work guarantee to be introduced in drive to tear down barriers to work 
  • Changes will unlock work, boost employment, and tackle the broken benefits system to unlock growth as part of the government’s Plan for Change 

Record £1 billion employment support measures announced to help disabled and long-term sick people back into work. 

The new measures are designed to ensure a welfare system that is fit for purpose and available for future generations – opening up employment opportunities, boosting economic growth and tackling the spiralling benefits bill, while also ensuring those who cannot work get the support they need as part of the government’s Plan for Change. 

Liz Kendall announced a sweeping package of reforms to overhaul the system, so it better supports those who need it while tearing down barriers to work including: 

Ending reassessments for disabled people who will never be able to work and people with lifelong conditions to ensure they can live with dignity and security 

Scrapping the controversial Work Capability Assessment to end the dysfunctional process that drives people into dependency – delivering on the government’s manifesto commitment to reform or replace it 

Providing improved employment support backed by £1 billion – one of the biggest packages of employment support for sick and disabled people ever – including new tailored support conversations for people on health and disability benefits to break down barriers and unlock work 

Legislating to protect those on health and disability benefits from reassessment or losing their payments if they take a chance on work.